At the January 8 Selectmen’s meeting the library issue was discussed again.  It appears that the Eaton selectmen want to meet with the entire Conway Library Board and not any individual trustee.  Albany selectmen agreed.  In the meantime, the Albany selectmen are exploring other options among which are costs for Albany residents at other libraries around the area.  What they found is the North Conway Library is asking $20 a year for a family’s usage, the Madison Library charges $15 per family and at the Tamworth Cook’s Library there is no charge.

Gibson Center: On Mondays there’s Yoga at 12:30 pm.  Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 am join Bobbi Brome as she leads an exercise program for strength, balance and stretching.  If you’d rather play games, join folks on Wednesdays for Bridge, Scrabble, Cribbage, Canasta, Rummy or board games at 12:30 pm.  Then there’s always the Belly Dance Class on Thursdays at 9 am.

Library: Monday at 6:30 pm author June O’Donal presents the program “Not for Sale” about world-wide, clandestine trade in white slavery.  It’s free and open to all.   January 15 at 4 pm Friends of the Conway Public Library will meet.  On Thursday at 3:30 pm Next Gen (grades 6 and up) will meet.  That evening from 6 to 7:30 pm Dr. Neil Barnard presents a video “Power Foods for the Brain” followed by a discussion facilitated by Laura Slit.

UNH Extension: Saturday, January 25 from 9 am o noon there will be a workshop to train those who prepare food for groups or churches that offer meals to the public.  Call 447-3834 for further information. Also ask about Joy Gagnon’s program Eat Smart Conway coming to Conway Elementary School.  This is a four week family cooking program for parents and children.  For further information contact the number above.

Mountaintop Music will present a benefit concert at the home of Julie and Michael Levine in Glen on Saturday, January 18 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $35. In performance will be David Surette, well know for his fretwork, harmony, and rhythm on guitar, mandolin and bouzouko.  He is the Chair of the folk department at Concord Community Music School.  With him will be Susie Burke, vocalist.  She has been singing on stage since the early 80’s and is highly respected within the folk music community.  For further information contact

There is endless talk about health coverage these days.  Take heart.  There is a new website that was launched December 24, 2013( to help New Hampshire residents and small employers learn more about their options.  The site is part of Covering New Hampshire, a statewide effort by the New Hampshire Health Plan to educated us about new coverage options and help us make coverage decisions.  If you are looking to purchase health insurance or want to learn more about plans available, to find one to meet your needs, go to this site.  You can learn about health and dental coverage and any financial assistance available.  Individuals with incomes between $11,500 to $46,000 or families with incomes between $22,550 and $94,200 may qualify for tax credits to lower the cost of insurance and also may be eligible for cost sharing subsidies to reduce out of pocket payments for healthcare.  Check this out.

Interested in stamp collecting?  White Mountain Stamp Club will meet Wednesday, January 15 at Barbara Savary’s home.  Write for further information.

The MWV Ski Touring group will guide a snowshoe walk around East Branch and the Saco River at 1 pm today. For further information write

On January 13, meet at Mount Washington Observatory and take a snowcat ride up the mountain to the weather station where they will give you a tour.  Enjoy a hearty homemade lunch and then a ride down the mountain.  Dress warmly.  Call 356-2137 for more information.

On January 17 there will be a free waxing demonstration of cross-country skis in Jackson at the Ski Touring Foundation at 3:30 pm.

Sandy Stowell’s daughter, Lisa, visited with her mom for the holidays.  She’s presently stationed in the states awaiting another deployment in the armed services.  Lisa got caught up with the bad weather problems once she had to return to base.  She made the last flight out before they cancelled all flights, but still missed her connection.  Such is flying in the winter.  Sandy was happy that she came though.

The weatherman is promising that this cold spell will end.  Let’s hope so.  In the meantime keep warm and have a great week.