Albany School Board minutes April 12, 2016

PRESENT: Joseph Ferris, Sara Young-Knox, Jim Hill, and Kevin Richard.

1. Superintendent Richard called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

2. Reorganization of Board

A. Election of Chairperson – Mr. Richard asked for nominations for

Chairperson. Sara Young-Knox moved to elect Joe Ferris as

Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Joe Ferris and passed 2-0-0.

Mr. Richard turned the meeting over to Chair Ferris.

B. Election of Vice-chairperson – Joe Ferris moved to elect Sara Young-

Knox as Vice-chairperson. The motion was seconded by Sara Young-

Knox and passed 2-0-0.

C. Set Meeting Dates and Times – The Board will meet on the second Tuesday

of every other month at 5:30 p.m. at the Albany Town Hall.

Joe Ferris moved to go into nonpublic session to discuss a student

transportation issue. The motion was seconded by Sara Young-Knox and

passed 2-0- 0. The Board returned to public session at 5:33 p.m.

3. Approval of Minutes (2-9-16) – Sara Young-Knox moved to approve the

minutes of February 9, 2016. The motion was seconded by Joe Ferris and

B. Board Member – none

5. Signing of Checks and Manifest – The manifest was signed as presented.

A. Attendance at Meetings – Joe (3), Sara (2), Lisa (1)

B. Consider Approval of Transportation Contract – Sara Young-Knox moved

to approve the 5-year transportation contract with MacIver

Transportation and authorize the Superintendent to sign said contract.

The motion was seconded by Joe Ferris and passed 2-0- 0.

A. The SAU #9 Board will meet on April 28 th at 6:00 p.m. in the CPDC.

B. Kevin informed the Board of a Community Forum to be held at Kennett

Middle School on May 11 th at 5:30 p.m. in regard to the KMS facility use

study. Three options presently being look at are (1) Conway Rec. Center, an

integrated preschool, and moving sixth grade to the middle school.

A. Set Date for Next Meeting – The next meeting will be on June 14 th at 5:30

B. FYI – 2016-17 School Calendar – The calendar was mailed with agenda.

C. Joe Ferris moved that the Albany School Board direct the SAU #9

administration to develop procedures for addressing transportation

issues related to afternoon drop-off. The motion was seconded by Sara

Young-Knox and passed 2-0- 0.

9. Public Comments – Steve Knox asked about the integrated preschool. Mr.

Richard informed him that no decision has yet been made.

10. Sara Young-Knox moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Joe

Ferris and passed 2-0-0 at 5:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Richard

Superintendent of Schools
